
Saturday, January 24, 2009

GROUNDS ---- ) The Two Most Popular Remedies to Dissolve Marriages

In addition to what I have wrote hereunder according to my Lawyer, there are many grounds for these two remedies. Take your pick, your case may properly fall into one of the numerous legal pigeonholes.

A. Action for Annulment (Voidable Marriages)

1. Lack of parental consent(18 years old but below 21).
2. Consent obtained throug fraud.
3. Consent obtained through force, intimidation or undue influence.
4. Insanity or unsoundness of mind.
5. Impotence or physical inability to consummate the marriage.
6. Affiction with sexually transmissible disease.

B. Action for the Declaration of Nullity of Marriage (Void Marriages)

1. Underage (below 18 years of age, even with parental consent).
2. No authority to solemnize marriages.
3. Bigamy and Polygamy.
4. Psychological incapacity.
5. Subsequent marriage after failing to record annulment or declaration judgement
of annulment or declaration of nullity of marriage with the civil registry.
6. Incest.
7. Breach of public policy.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Please help me my Annulment case.I need your help asap!